Sunday, March 25, 2007

A new phase of life

This was first published in the newspaper on 18-3-2007.


如果把一个人的一生当作是一个百年旅途,那么到了25岁,就算是走过了四分之一的人生。  来到这个阶段,总觉得才算是正式迈入了成人的世界。  




去年底,我和交往4年的男友做出这个重大的决定,希望一起步入生命的另一个阶段。  和我同龄的朋友当中,我算是头几个决定结婚的女生。  








After the article was published, an old friend messaged me and "scolded" me for not telling her about my marriage plans earlier. (I'm sorry, I meant to do it face-to-face, but time is not on my side!) I got a congratulory message from a reader, although he was puzzled why I publicly announced a personal affair. A colleague jokingly mentioned MCYS should look for me to be their mascot, since my plans are so in tune with the government policy. Another colleague who was married, said I brought back fond memories of the time when he was preparing to get married.

I'm so glad he said that. This was one of the reasons why I came up with this piece. Marriage is an experience that one will get only at this stage of life, and one will understand the many things involved only if you have been through it personally.

I hope it brought a smile to those who are getting married, and those who were already married.

P.S. A single-but-not-available colleague joked that the list of "Things to do" might scare off potential wedding couples, like herself! I hope you are not one of them!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Woes of a BTB

Every BTB (Bride-to-be) wants to look her best on her wedding night, I reckon this means being in good shape. And that translates to a slim figure.

And you will be surprised, some women go to the extremes in order to attain this wish.

I recently heard of this true tale. A fellow friend stopped eating rice for two years before her wedding.


This was the no-carbohydates diet she set for herself. Horrifying! I think one needs real determination to go through such a strict and pitiful diet.

Much as I would like to shed a bit of weight in preparation of my wedding, I would definitely not take up such a measure (just to add that I don't have that much time even if I am contemplating)! Imagine just feeding on vegetables and fruits for over 700 days?

When I asked a friend who will be gettting married next month for tips on slimming, she was surprised, "You? Lose weight? For what?"

Now, hearing that makes me feel quite happy for a moment. Well, all girls like to hear people say they are "not fat", isn't it? But still, it would be good if I could shed 1-2 kgs, tone up my tummy and arm muscles.

With the numerous number of advertisments placed by slimming centres in the newspapers, I did think of visiting slimming centres, but I got cold feet soon after I heard of their pricing and the "results may vary" disclaimer. I would rather spend the money on the furniture for my new house. It did occur to me to start a meal replacement diet, but again it seemed too torturous.

I finally decided to take the healthy approach--continue with my regular gym workouts, which I started since last October, and to avoid fatty and oily food.

I was chatting with a health magazine journalist the other day when I asked her, "Why is it that with 2-3 gym workout sessions per week, I am unable to lose weight, but only managed to maintain my weight?"

She gave a very candid reply, "Well, you are just not working hard enough!"

She then explained that as one grows older, the metabolic rate drops, so with the same amount of exercise, and a balanced diet, one can only hope to maintain weight, but not lose weight.

This means I need to work harder during gym. Oh help! =(

P.S. One thing a girl needs to know when she is getting married or preparing to get married is to master the languages used by BTBs (Brides-To-Be). Otherwise, one can get very lost when she is surfing websites for information. Other terms like OTR (Off the rack, for wedding gowns), FH (future husband), PIL (parents-in-laws) are also commonly used.