Saturday, August 27, 2005

Time Not Enough

I wish I have 48 hours a day. Then I will have more time for work, sleep, books, television, exercise and blogging, for just everything and anything under the sun, that I want to do!

Time just does not seem to be enough.

You go to work, get busy in the morning, and soon it is lunch time. You get back to work after a meal, and before you know it, it is time to get off work, and your work is still not done. Not wanting to leave unfinished work, you stay back for OT (overtime) and continue working. When you pack up and leave for home, the sun has set, and you drag your tiring feet home. After you finish your dinner, you want to relax and have some time to yourself. You read or go online or watch television. After a while, you yawn and wonder whether you are getting old because you tire so easily. You watch television and fall asleep in front of the tv set, just like what your father always does.

The routine stays the same the next day and the following day and so on.

Time never seems to be on our side. And it does not help that your body rebels against your will.

Sometimes, we want to do so many things after we get off work, but it is late and we feel tired after a hard day of battle at work. We give in to our body's grumblings and rest for the day.

I think time management is really an art. Of course taking good care of your body is another form of art as well.

A friend commented that day that as we grow older (well, actually we are still in our 20s, and that is still pretty young!), we seem to lose the vitality and the vibracy that the young possess. We go out for half a day and fatigue wears us down. In the past, we could play for the whole day and yet still feel that we could tahan (endure) for another day or more.

Some people say we "work to rest", but in Singapore, people seem to "rest to work". If there are 48 hours a day, people might probably work for over 20 hours a day. Scary!

On second thoughts, I think I will stick to 24 hours a day, and work on my time management. Cheers!


At 12:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time is a concept that we impose on ourselves.
We feel that we are aging because of we are really aging or because of we realise that our age is increasing?
But then, life in singapore is always busy =)

At 7:49 PM , Blogger Nia said...

If God gave us 48hours instead of 24 per day, we will probably still spend the extra 20+ hours working. That's how sad Singaporean's lives can be...

At 10:00 PM , Blogger yvonne said...

Won't people in other countries do that too? I somehow feel that not only Singaporeans will work 20+ hours if there are 48 hours a day. The whole world moves that way...Perhaps because we are in Singapore so we feel it more strongly. Life in some countries may truly be more relaxed in general, but there is a trade-off--the more luxurious lifestyle you want and the more you want to enjoy, the harder you have to work.
But of course, some of us are trapped in a place where we feel we do not belong, because we are forced to get used to a certain lifestyle.
To know how to work hard and play hard is one of the most important but hardest task. People who cannot work that out either end up playing a fool or become a slave for life.

At 10:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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