Sunday, September 25, 2005


A colleague was very annoyed when he took the MRT the other day.

“There was this young student couple, about 14 years old, standing right in the centre of the cabin, hugging, giggling and kissing as though they were the only people on board. Everyone around them looked uneasy, some looked away, some old folks gave them stern looks. I was initially reading the newspaper, but I got so annoyed that I kept my papers, folded my arms, and stared straight at them. Guess what? They were simply oblivious to their surroundings and continued their ‘rendezvous’! I was about to tell them off when they arrived at their station, after a 20 minute train ride.”

I have seen such young couples before too. My question to them is, don’t they feel that it is not appropriate for them to behave in this manner, especially in an enclosed public area? Well, perhaps they are still young, and are probably so “engrossed” in their relationship, that they did not realize that they are an “eyesore” to others. But the thing is, is there a need for these young couples to display their affection in front of everyone else? Would it kill them to not behave so intimately, just for a short train ride?

Call me old fashioned or conventional, I seriously find that it is an ugly sight.

These young couples may argue, “If you cannot stand it, quit staring!” But, sometimes (in fact most of the time) it does not help that the train is so crowded that there is simply no where else to look.

I am generally not against BGRs (boy-girl-relationship) in schools. What I mean is, if the relationship is an innocent one, as in the young couple enjoys each other’s company, they spend time together studying, or go out alone occasionally to have a meal or to watch movie. That is fine. I feel that there is no need to stamp out on BGRs completely in schools, although it is true that as students, academic work should be their first priority. However, there are indeed some students who are mature enough, even in secondary schools, to handle a serious relationship.

I know of this couple who got together during their secondary school days. The girl is very intelligent, while the boy was not doing so well in his studies. While they were “going steady”, the girl helped the boy in his studies, and in the end both of them made it to the top junior college. From the look of things, they would probably march into the wedding hall a few years from now.

For student couples, I feel that the limit should be up to holding hands. Anything beyond that tarnishes the image of a student. There is an age and a stage for everything. Why try to imitate the adults or what you watch on television or on the internet?

Furthermore for girls, we should learn to protect ourselves. Why give others the opportunity to demean you?


At 11:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

totally agree with what you said.. i find such couples an absolute eyesore too. it's even worse when they are wearing their school uniforms...


At 10:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm not so much worried about this particular couple. it's more of the general change in social norm that i'm looking at. indeed, there are more student couples now than in the past, and couples are generally more 'open' to public displays of affection. well, some people will say that young people nowadays are becoming more 'open' or some would say, 'westernised'. is it a bad thing? or should i say, is it a WRONG thing? who should judge whats right and whats wrong? also, are they too westernised or are we too conventional?

not trying to be biased towards any party here... just wondering about things.

i guess there is no way to prevent young couples from becoming more physically intimate... the most we can do is to educate them to be RESPONSIBLE young people.



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