Sunday, June 26, 2005

What happened to you? I did not read your blog.

“What happened to you? I did not read your blog.”

This sounds ridiculous, does it not?

The blogger says, “Why did you not read it?”

The reader retorts, “Why should I read it? Why did you not tell me about it yourself instead of just writing it in your blog?”

Some time ago, something happened to a friend of mine.

She decided to go overseas to pursue her education. She wrote about it all over her blog, giving details about where she was going to study, when she was going and how she was carrying out the preparations.

As far as I know, she did not tell her friends but only wrote it in her blog and “announced” her plans on the MSN nick she gave herself.

That was it.

I admit that I seldom surf her blog. Furthermore, being someone who does not chat online often, I did not know about this news until she left.

I was dumb founded when I found out. At first, I felt guilt stricken for not having read her blog regularly. But soon, another feeling overwhelmed me.

Am I expected to read her blog to find out how she is doing? Must I go online to chat before I know what happened to her? Why did she not tell me herself?

Either (1) she thinks her friends should read her blog to check out her life or (2) she does not care which of her friends know about the news, if they read her blog, they are her buddies and they should be informed, if they do not read, then she takes it that they are unimportant and do not have to know of it.

Yes, I do admit that it is my fault for not maintaining close contact with this friend of mine. But it certainly does say the same for her.

In the past, people would call their friends up to share news regarding themselves with others. Later, people turned to emails. Then to mass emails and icqing or msning. We have adjusted ourselves to all these changes and accepted them one and all. Now, blogs are the new players on the block.

But, I am holding up a “STOP” sign to the the idea of “announcing” your happenings only through the blog and nowhere else.

Blogs are just a passive tool we use to convey our thoughts and feelings. No doubt it is a convenient way to share about our life on the blogs and since it is put up on a public portal, no friends will be left out on the “news release”. However, precisely because it is a passive tool, everyone might read it, or no one would.

It is insensible to say to someone, “I wrote that in my blog, check it out there.”

Is it so hard to share with someone directly what happened to you, instead of writing it in your blog, and thinking that people should read it to find out what happened to you? If they do not, then it is their own business because they missed out on something?

We are talking about the sense of human touch here that had been and is still essential in the core of our lives.

Do not take for granted that your friends should read your blog. Take the initiative to share with them on what is going on in your life, either through the phone or direct emails, whichever is more convenient for you.

Not just on your blog, of course. Otherwise, do not blame your friends for being “uninformed”.


At 10:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ermmm... we write our class journal.. so i dun have to repeat the gossips, rumours, love stories to everyone over and over again.. hahaha... and the gist is preserved in the original copy from the horse's mouth... and not distorted thru different versions... hahahaha


At 10:56 PM , Blogger piglet said...

hey yvonne, actually i think maybe your friend didn't really have that intention. Normal people won't expect everyone to read their blogs and will not convey such big news only thr the blog. I guess she must have informed her friends about it too through other means..and sad to say, you might not be one of you said, you girls might have really lost contact. i think thr announcing thr her blog is just her way to let whoever who happens to read her blog to find out abt it? afterall it's her personal space to write whatever that she wants, and whoever who gets to read it in e end, she shld know she has no control over it.

At 3:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you have hundreds of frens, will you realli remember to call everyone of them? how would you then know that they are interested to hear that or not? sometimes if you happen to be around her, then you'll know, otw it's not necessarily her fault to forget to inform one or two of you, tt's y the blog, in case there are others out there who're interested to keep in touch n in tune with her life..

blogs may seem to be an excuse for some not to communicate the conventional, more direct way; yet it also allows the reader to decide if he/she wants to relate back...whateverway you choose to communicate, real frens will understand...

At 8:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm I had encountered a similar incident ealier tis year. It was the rather infamous lecturer-help-guy-offer-girl-flower episode during one of the NUS lectures.

I think I was busy with my FYP during that period, and I seldom logged into MSN. Initially I did not know that such an "interesting" event had occured, till I logged into MSN one day and saw the nick of one of my friend: NUS idol - Cuiwen

"Who's Cuiwen?" I asked.

"you mean you don't know? she's the latest crowned NUS idol!" my fren retorted.

"Huh? Is there such an event???"

"You are such a bore and so out... Go read our (my group of friends) msn nicks to find out what happened!" he proceeded to jeer at me for the next good 15 minutes.

I was like.... huh? what's tis? Reading people's MSN nick to find out details of a story? Can't you just tell me straight away? Is it really that difficult to repeat a story to a friend?

The point is, I feel that in some cases, there are people who relied too much on blog or MSN chat to tell their everyday life story. And if one just happens to not read his blog or MSN with him, one is considered to be out of his life circle.

This makes me really wonder: am I befriending with you, or with your blog?

To end the story, I sit beside that very same friend for our lectures during that semester.

At 12:34 PM , Blogger yvonne said...

haha, of course I do not mean to "blame" my friend for not telling me, a person can have so many friends so surely there will be one or more not so close friends who do not know. But, that is not my point. What I mean is, should we rely so much on the blogs to keep ourselves updated?

For instance, when my class online journal went down for quite a number of days sometime ago, many of us "lost" contact with one another. Precisely because we have relied too much on the journal, so without it, we somehow do not know what happened to everyone else.

When I do not go online to chat, some of my friends say, "How come you never come online? I did not get to talk to you."
So is it only out of conveniece that we chat with whoever appears online, and those who are not online get forgotten? It is a ridiculously sad thing that is happening to all of us.

So I say, do not passively wait for your friends to go online, if you really have the heart to keep in contact, give them a call, drop them an sms, send them an email.

At 7:06 PM , Blogger piglet said...

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At 7:20 PM , Blogger piglet said...

Yeah, but it has to be 2 way. As long as friends have the heart to contact you, they don't have to rely on those things. Such as in the case of me n my closest jiemeis..all of them seldom come online, but we are still so close. In cases where your gd friends r overseas n far far away, i really thank the creation of emails n msn, for me n my friends faraway to be in good contact. but there's also others who are always online, yet you won't feel close to.

The bottomline is: The technological advances r there to help you, but not for you to rely on.

At 9:53 PM , Blogger El Hombre said...

i agree with ya..tink i am kinda guilty at times..shall not fall into such a "blogging trap"..

Come to tink abt it..we 2 seem to be only communicating through our blogs..haha..maybe we should meet up one day for a meal or coffee..

At 8:54 PM , Blogger yvonne said...

I think we all RELY on technologies, much as we try to convince ourselves and others that they are just there to FACILITATE us...

The key is not to OVERDO it.

At 9:28 PM , Blogger Robin said...

I use my blog to put general stuff I don't think to tell everyone. If people WANT to see the little things they can stop by. If it's something big (like being engaged or something) I will tell them all personally.

At 11:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi yvonne, i sort of admit what you have said was true in certain ways. But nevertheless, just relax and let matters solve as time goes by. recently i also had alot of misunderstandings with one of my ex collegue.. so headache also.. but hopefully , u still remain as frens with that gal or guy whom you are talking abt ok?

At 1:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well...i am one of the people who tells them to read my blog when they ask me abt my

I am not the type who will say "hey...i went to disco last nite" to my friends. I am sort of quiet type....

I like to summarise my thoughts/reflections so it is hard for me to share with them. It is like reading the story to them.

After they read my blog, then I will answer them personally if they have any questions to ask me.

But well..true that asking them to ask my blog does not have the human touch like you wrote on ur blog.

Hmm...looks like i must improve on it. :-)


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